miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Discovery of America
The Discovery of America happened  on october 12, 1492 where the italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas and claimbed the land for Spain. The precise first land sighting and landing point was San Salvador Island. Besides the Christopher Columbus the Spain kingas was involved in The Discovery of America. The discovery of America was extremely important because it oponed up new economic opportunities for European countries.
Resultado de imagen para imagenes del descubrimiento de america
The Creation Of Internet

The creation of internet happened in 1869 at the end of the summer. This event originated in California, United Estates. The initial idea of the internet is credited to Leornard Kleinrock after he published his first paper entilled "Information flow in large communication nets"on may 31. The internet was first invented for militaly purpose, and expanded purporse of communication among scientist. During the cold wear, it was essential to have communications links beetwen military and university computers that would not be  disrupted by boombs or enemy spies. While provinding many servies such as E-mail, hypertext, documents, intants messages, and data exchanges.

Landing and Walking on the Moon

The landing on the Moon happened on July 16,1969 at 9:32.

The people on the mission Apolo 11 were; Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin,Michael Collins.
The walking happened on July 20,this was important because is that it had never been done before.
Other news in 1969:

Sesamo Square goes to market

Members of a cult led by Charles Manson kill people.



December 1895

The first to present the cinema as moving images projected to a paid audience (that is, cinema) were the Lumière brothers in December 1895 in Paris. At first, the movies were very short, sometimes only a few minutes or less. The first presentation was on December 28, 1895, in Paris, and consisted of a series of documentary images, of which the workers of a factory (owned by Lumière themselves), and that of a train (at La station Ciotat) who seemed to attack the spectators, before these images people reacted with an instinctive fear, believing that the train would run them over.

Charles Pathé: Taking as reference the cinematographer of the Lumière brothers, as well as Edison's cinetoscope, he made a video camera with which he made his productions. His experiments consisted of the desire to combine the phonograph with the cinematograph, but the results were of poor quality, so he was unsuccessful. Then, Pathé will be linked in the business field of cinema, so he separates himself from the artistic and creative aspects, and takes care of salaried employees such as Ferdinand Zecca. Pathé Frères would be the first company to integrate the three main branches into which the film industry is divided: production, distribution and exhibition.

 Ferdinand Zecca: it became a Pathé company with a diverse cinematographic activity as an actor, screenwriter, director and decorator. Zecca deals with fantasy cinema, although it presents a realistic trend, its cinematographic language becomes agile, its cinematographic planes are not general planes, but it begins to control closer cinematographic planes. In 1913, Zecca left film production to incorporate administrative and commercial services and construction management of the Pathé studios in Berlin and Jersey City. 

Brighton School: group of photographers who use camcorders to experiment. Discover the fragmentation of the story and some time later discover the fragmentation of the movie scene, which is what is called the "assembly principle".

 Also discover the variety in the views in the same action. They are the first to film a chase in three shots (fruit thief). His productions become more commercial. And Importance of cinema is understood today in a dual way: on the one hand, it is understood as one of the most important arts of humanity, and on the other, it is also seen (especially American cinema) as the basal stone of one. of the largest industries around the world.

The begining of world war 1

w_World W

The begining of world war 1
_World War I began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and lasted until 1918.
_Occurred in Europe, Africa, Asia, middle  East Pacific, Ocean
_It grew into a war involving 32 countriesThe Allies included Britain, France, Russia, Italy andthe United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

_The general cause of the world war was the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Nationalism was a great cause of the First World War because countries were greedy and didn’t negotiate.The war changed the economical balance of the world,and other things
 _World War 1 was one of the most recorded armed clashes in the history of mankind and one of the most important suffered during the twentieth century.
_Other thing importans were:

·         In Jun 28, 1914. Archduke Assassination. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. ...
·         In Jul 30, 1914. Russia Mobilizes. ...
·         In Aug 4, 1914. World War 1 Begins. ... In
·         May 7, 1915. Lusitania Sinks. ...
·         In Sep 18, 1915. Germany Limits Submarines.
·         In Sep 15, 1916. First Tanks. ...
·         In Feb 1, 1917. Submarines Back.